Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance')

3'+ tall on receipt (September 2020)
Foliage detail (September 2020)
Living up to its name (November 2020)

Source: ShrubBucket (NY)

Size shipped: #3 pot (measured 3'+)

Planted: September 2020

First flowering: April 2021

(This plant stayed behind when I moved in 2021; therefore, the following text will receive no further updates.)

As with most of the other trees on this list, this serviceberry was purchased as a problem-solver: I wanted something to go in an awkward fence corner not far from a downspout and mostly shaded by a high deciduous canopy overhead (my red maples and/or the neighbours' oak), something that would eventually get tall enough to contribute to shading my house in the summer. This serviceberry fit the bill, being allegedly tolerant of shade and wet sites and narrow enough to avoid eventually overhanging the house or dropping branches on the roof. Plus the fall color of this cultivar is apparently excellent (hence the name), a claim I could confirm even in its first autumn with us (see photo).

The specimen I received was distinctly multi-trunked, and I expect to do some pruning in the dormant season to focus its growth more vertically and perhaps get rid of some of the narrowest crotches (though still leaving as many short subordinate branches as possible on whichever trunks I do retain, so as to build roots and trunk caliper faster).

I cut some branches at the beginning of March 2021 to bring inside, but the flowers never did open. The ones outside, however, did fine; so if all goes well, we should see the berries ripen in June.